Certified Materials
We at Nero & Sofia like certified materials, not only because they are usually safer for our dogs, but also because the certification is a value in terms of protection of intellectual property, respect of international rules, respect of traditions, so ultimately respect of all the people who everyday works for producing and assembling our top quality products.
Production defects are guaranteed for two years.
Working high quality materials requires ability, experience, but above all it requires to be a recognized professional in order to have access to certification and professional achievements. Our Italian suppliers and Artisans, are all certified professional that chose only the best materials for our products. This makes our products more guaranteed, in terms of durability, experience of use and safety.
All our made of leather products are made in Italy, with Italian leather and vegetable-tanned leather that is naturally tanned and treated with vegetable extracts. All our leather is soft on your dog’s skin, almost forever resistant and moderately water resistant. This leather is tanned and treated following centuries-old traditions that are still today protected and kept alive by associations and consortiums of Tuscan Artisans, such as for example the "Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale" (True Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium), that represents many of the Artisans who works for Nero & Sofia and for our suppliers.
We want to establish a relationship of trust with our customers, that's why we guarantee you the lowest prize on the web on our products. Read more about it.
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